Monday, February 27, 2006

They're Not That Tall . . .

Kitchen counters here are generally higher than they are in Canada. Cupboards wander into the stratosphere, requiring stepping stools or, more often, chairs in order to plumb their contents. Joffre can't reach the tap on most bathroom sinks, especially the ones that are embedded in a vanity-type affair. Light switches and elevator buttons are so high that Joffre can't reach them, even straining on tip-toes. Nobody in a wheelchair would stand a chance.

What I don't get is why everything is so high up. I mean, one elevator's buttons were at my shoulder height, meaning they were about five feet off the floor. And, why? Peruvians aren't diminuitive, but they're definitely shorter than Canadians on average. I don't get it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like everything will be just the right height for me, as it would likely be for Aaron. Have you got a step-ladder for Joffre's Amma to use?