Thursday, February 16, 2006


Not, you know, terrible debilitating illness, or anything. But, Joffre's been a bit sick in the tummy, and I've been feeling almost altitude sick (shortness of breath, dizzy, racing heart, nausea) for a couple of days. But the really special moment was when . . .

Joffre woke up from an uncharacteristic nap, and was tired and grumpy and floppy, and pulled one of his choice stunts, which is to lie down on the floor near Alec and allow the baby to pull his hair and grab at his face until he feels sufficiently justified in striking back. It's sibling-baiting in its purest form. This time, though, Alec had just nicely started pulling hair while Joffre lay there like a CPR dummy, when Alec suddenly vomited all over himself and Joffre's hair and face.

I think they're both on a cereal diet for the next couple of days till their tummies are sorted out. I hope mine doesn't get worse.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a bug of some sort to me, although that would not explain all of the altitude symptoms. What is your altitude there anyway? Hope all are feeling better soon.

Melania said...

Yeah, it does sound like a bug. They're both fine today, but now I feel like *I* have a tummy bug.

The altitude here is about 2350 m. Most people are okay to about 2450 m, after which about 20% of people will have some altitude sickness - this figure increases with the altitude. The big issue isn't the altitude per se, but how quickly you reach it. Gradual ascent greatly reduces the risk, and travellers are advised to spend a day or two in Arequipa before moving on to Cuzco or Lake Titicaca.