Monday, February 13, 2006

Heavy Rains + Leaks + Hot Sunny Aftermath

Equals a muggy house that smells, depending on the room you currently inhabit, of must and mildew or, more worryingly, cat pee.

Yes, you read me right. I don't know why, but the whole upper storey of the house has a distinctly cat pee-ish smell.

I Don't Understand
Why they charge more for unpeeled garlic than they do for peeled garlic. Especially because their unpeeled garlic is unspeakably difficult to peel, much harder than your average North American garlic.

Aaron is downstairs patiently trying to explain to Joffre where shadows come from, and why he doesn't need to be afraid of them. There is a shadow, produced by two light bulbs causing a third bulb to cast two shadows, that looks like bunny ears that particularly disturbs him. If and when we get another camera, I'll try to get a picture of it.


Melanie said...

Awww...I'm with Joffre on this one. As a little kid I never even thought shadow puppetry was cool, just way too creeeepy.

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering how you managed to still have all of the water damage pictures to post after you reported the camera stolen. Not like you to be so efficient with downloading picture!

Melania said...

Yeah, it is unusual that I downloaded the pics - they wanted me to email a bunch of them to the company as a record, so I was downloading them as soon as I took them. There were only about 5 or 6 on the camera that hadn't been downloaded yet, when it was stolen.

I just told an impatient Joffre that I was emailing Amma, and he said, "I like my Amma so very very so much!"