Friday, February 17, 2006

Today's Moment of White Hot Pride

The guard at the gate said to me, "your son speaks so well, and so clearly! Is he really only three? My nephew who is three is barely talking at all."

Of course, part of it is that he's hearing Joffre speak English, and something in our brains always jumps when we hear a child speaking a foreign language, but after all the speech therapy, it was a wonderful thing to hear.


Anonymous said...

That's our boy!

And all that after being puked on only yesterday too!

Melania said...

Yeah, but then today he forgot how to be toilet trained and peed his way through four pairs of pants. And while I was nursing the baby, he disappeared and I found him naked and running screaming through the yard like a feral wolf-child.

So, you win some, you lose some.