Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Well, you could knock me over with a feather. Yesterday afternoon a woman called from LAN Chile to inform me that our missing bag had made it safely to Lima and was on a flight to Arequipa. We picked it up at the airport this morning, and Joffre sang his special Nemo Bag song (lyrics: "Nemo, nemo, meemo, meemo BAAAAAAG!") all the way home. This, as you may recall, was a bag with no identifying tags on it, left behind in a business lounge.

I can't believe they found it and got it to us. Way to go, LAN Chile!!

In other news, Alec said "Mum" today. Twice. He hasn't said it since, but it's a start.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful news that Alec is saying "Mom" now, Although, just for the record, I distinctly heard him say "Dad" several times over Christmas. Maybe by summer he will learn to say "Grampa Clint"!