Thursday, March 09, 2006

Alec the Gordito

His shins are plump. The tops of his feet are fat. It's madness, I tell you.


Anonymous said...

This entry did not make complete sense until I noticed the one down below about Peruvian babies.

In regard to Alec fitting the description, it may be something in the genes, or in the breast milk. His now skinny Uncle Steven was a true Gordito up to about age 5, as the old photos will attest.

Anonymous said...

This blog post is useless without pictures. ;-)


Melania said...

Jacqueline, you owe me a new keyboard.

//aka inside joke for this blog . . .

Dad, I think you're right that it's in the genes. Jake was a butterball baby too, and look at him now! And, as I recall, Joffre was even pudgier than Alec is now!