Saturday, January 27, 2007

Preschooler Interlude

It is the prerogative of mothers to relay cute things their kids say to anyone who will listen.

Joffre: "Mom, don't say kids, say children."

(standing up on his chair at Christmas dinner as we're all poised to dig in): "We have to say the thing first (grace)!

Time for eat, time for drink,
Time for eat, time for drink,
All done."

"Mom, you married?"
"Yes, to your Dad."
"Well, I think maybe I can marry with you."

And, then there's Alec, aged 20 months:
"Oh maaaan!"
"Mapa!" (the map, on Dora the Explorer)
"Esto es de Alit!" (This is Alec's)
"Ya esta!" (all done, or there you go)

And yesterday, using a combination of words, babble and gestures, Alec explained to Sonia how Mommy works the coffee maker. Well, he understands what's important.

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