Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Peruvian Whine, Part Dos

Given the propensity for whining in Peru, it should come as no surprise to me that trying to keep Joffre from whining is like trying to, you know, what's that expression where your effort is useless in the face of overwhelming opposition? Spitting into the wind? Bailing out a sinking ship with a thimble? Something like that. The odd time I'm at the school during classes, I can hear kids whining like crazy, and nobody does anything about it.

Also, Alec is going through a charming "give me what I want or I'll scream like a baby Ring Wraith" phase. Of course, my tactic is to only give him what he wants when he's not screaming, so we can train him out of it, but Peruvians as a group seem to feel that when the baby cries, you do whatever it takes to make him stop as quickly as possible.

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