Last week, Sonia's younger stepson came home with a starvling kitten he'd found mewling on the sidewalk. The kitten has been living at their house ever since, eating table scraps and crying because it's lonely. I didn't know about the creature till yesterday, when I told Sonia she should bring the kitten over during the days so it has company.
So, she brought it. But, of course, I don't want my kids playing with a dirty street cat, so our first stop today was to the vet, where Snowball (named by Joffre after his grandparents' cat) had a bath and an antiparasite pill, and where I picked up a bag of kitten chow. He is underfed, but otherwise in quite good health, and now has all the attention he could possibly hope for. And then some.
Of course, it's going to be very difficult for all of us to say goodbye to little Snowball when we leave . . .
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